More about Late Summer...

More about the rarely talked about mysterious 5th Season, Late Summer...
It's a season (August 5-Autumnal Equinox) within a season (Summer) so it rarely gets any attention.
It has its own unique vibe and it's the best of the year (dare I say better than Fall). According to Chinese Medicine, Late Summer corresponds with:
STAGE of DEVELOPMENT: Harvest... all of the hard work of growing and farming comes to fruition in late summer as plants and crops at their biggest and brightest.  Late Summer's in season veggies are: Chinese yams, carrots, spinach, Summer squash, celery root, napa cabbage, corn and tomatoes. In-season fruits are: watermelon, apple, berries, peaches, plums, prunes, banana, cranberry, fig, quince, coconut, pineapple, papaya.
CLIMATE: Dampness... aka, humidity.  Moisture hangs in the air in late summer afternoons.
COLOR: in fields of wheat. Late summer days are as if Golden Hour is all day long. #glorious
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